Tom the Tortoise

Tom was always made fun of because he was so slow. Chad the cheetah was the meanest. He teased and bullied Tom everywhere he went. In gym, Tom was always last in the races. He was never good at anything. Plus, he didn’t have a family, since he was a tortoise. At bring your parents to school day, everyone laughed at him because he didn’t have parents. Tom had one friend, Lemu Emu. Lemu Emu was always kind to Tom. If others teased him, Lemu Emu would scare them away with his terrifying screech. One day there was a knew student. Tom didn’t know what species she was, but he was sure she would bully him too. So, he stayed home for the day, there was no one to stop him. The next day, he had the courage to go to school. When he arrived at school Lemu Emu immediately came over to him. He said, ”Where were you yesterday? You missed meeting the new girl. She is only going to come to school every Wednesday.” Tom had a sigh of relief. He was still scared of what she might be. He thought about not coming to school the next Wednesday, but he wanted to know what she was. No one told Tom what species she was. So he started to think she was dangerous. But, he came to school the following Wednesday. Right when he saw her, he hid his blushing face. Another tortoise!!!! She looked so beautiful, Tom had to talk with her. He went over to her and said, “Hi, I am Tom, what is your name?” She started blushing and said, ” I am Tina, Tina tortoise.” They started talking, and became best friends over the next week. One special day at lunch, Tina, Tom, and Lemu Emu were chatting. Lemu Emu thought he was being the best third wheel for his ship, Tina and Tom. In the next minute, Tom proposed to Tina. Tina was crying with happiness. They got married the next week. They didn’t have to do much planning, because the only animal they were inviting was Lemu Emu. Lemn Emu’s ship was sailed. THE END!! A picture of Tom is above.